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Southwest Airlines Baggage Policy

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Screening and Identification

Checked things will be screened and are liable to the physical investigation as ordered by the TSA. Clients might be required to display ID. We prescribe setting ID both within and outside of the stuff. Name marks are accessible at Southwest Airlines ticket counters. When you've handled your gear, ensure you get a different case check for each bit of stuff you've checked. Check to ensure that the city appeared on the case check(s) matches your last goal.

Southwest Airlines as of now disallows self-preservation splashes on any flight in any case in the event that it is checked or continued.

Excess Baggage

Each bit of stuff in an overabundance of the free things stipend indicated over that isn't more than 62 inches (L+W+H) and 50 lbs. or then again less will be acknowledged for a charge of $75.00 per thing single direction. Abundance stuff which is additionally overweight or larger than usual will be charged overabundance things in addition to the relevant curiously large or overweight charge.

Weight and Size Allowance

Southwest Airlines Baggage Policy 50 lbs and 62 inches (L+W+H). Overweight things from 51 to 100 pounds and curiously large things more than 62 inches however not in excess of 80 inches will be acknowledged for a charge of $75.00 per thing single direction. One and only $75.00 charge applies if the piece is both larger than usual and overweight, paying little heed to the weight as long as it doesn't surpass 100 lbs. Overabundance stuff which is likewise overweight or larger than usual will be charged abundance things in addition to the pertinent curiously large or overweight charge. 

Anything gauging in excess of 100 pounds must be transported as Air Cargo. In any case, Customers can't utilize SWA Cargo except if delegated a Known Shipper as characterized by the TSA or TSA affirmed Indirect Air Carriers (IAC). For full insights concerning shipping payload, visit 

Special case: Military Passengers going on dynamic obligation or perpetual difference in station requests will be excluded from the two-piece Baggage limit and won't be liable to abundance, oversize, or overweight Baggage charges, given that none of the bits of Baggage surpasses 100 pounds in weight and 80 crawls in size (L+W+H).


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